Tag: Reading

Are You Emotionally Connected When You Read?

Are You Emotionally Connected When You Read?

A few months ago, New York Times best selling author Susan Mallery asked her followers on Twitter to name the last book they read that made them cry. Thinking about my answer to that question, I was a little surprised to realize it has been nearly seven years since I cried over a book.

So that got me wondering, why do you choose to read certain books? What motivates you to pick up one book over another? And do you feel an emotional response is critical for you to consider a book to be great?

Click here to see the last book I read that made me cry…

Posted August 12, 2011 by Kimberly in Reading, Uncategorized / 20 Comments
Thriller Thursday: Dominance by Will Lavender

Thriller Thursday: Dominance by Will Lavender

Dominance is a novel about a puzzle game about a novel. Sounds confusing, but it’s not. And it’s not just any game, it’s a deadly one. One that Harvard professor Alex Shipley will have to solve very quickly before the killer catches up to her.

Fifteen years earlier, Alex was part of a night class called Unraveling a Literary Mystery, taught by famed professor Richard Aldiss. Aldiss was teaching the class remotely from his prison cell where he was serving time for the brutal murders of two female grad students. The women were killed with an axe and their bodies decorated with the novels of reclusive author Paul Fallows. The night class’ assignment was to solve the mystery of Paul Fallows’ identity using his novels as their map. The way to follow the map was through a mysterious game called The Procedure.

Happy Birthday America!

Happy Birthday America!

It’s the Fourth of July, a time to reflect on our nation’s history and how incredible it is to live in America. We have some pretty amazing founding fathers who thoughtfully crafted our Declaration of Independence and Constitution to be living documents equally as important today as the day they were conceived. Here at Lazy Day Books, we’d also like to say Thank You to today’s heroes, the men and women of our armed forces who work hard every day protecting us and our freedom! We are incredibly lucky to have you on our side!

A long holiday weekend is the perfect time to brush up on our American History. Whether you’re looking for historical inspiration or fun facts to talk about at a BBQ, we’ve put together a great selection for you here.

Dads Are A Gift, Celebrate Them!

Dads Are A Gift, Celebrate Them!

My Dad is many things to many people, but to me, he’s just my Dad. When I laugh, he laughs with me. When I need advice, he has plenty to give. When I need anything at all, he drops whatever he’s doing to take care of me. My Dad has always worked hard to be the very best Dad he can possibly be, not only to me and my two brothers, but to any child who needed a father figure. There are lots of kids out there who say he’s “like a father” to them. And that makes me really proud of him. My Dad is my Hero.

As we celebrate our Dads this weekend, I’d love to hear some of your favorite “Dad Moments”, please share them with me in the comments!

And, if you’re looking for some great Father’s Day gifts, below are a few best-selling ebooks, in no particular order, about and for Dads. All of these can be sent to your Dad as an instant gift.

Posted June 18, 2011 by Kimberly in Celebrations, Uncategorized / 1 Comment